Monthly Archives: August 2011

Shifting the Quake Weight – update #2

It’s been over 2 1/2 months since I updated where I’m at with my Quake Weight challenges I.  (Please check out my previous posts for context “OK, the Quake Weight has gotta go” and “Shifting the Quake Weight – update #1

My exercise has wavered over this time.  I’ve been plagued with a return of back pain, which I’ve let affect me.  When in fact historically, my back pain has been easier to control when I exercise more.  I think a little discomfort can often deter people from exercise, when in fact, it’s what your body actually needs to help itself heal.  Joints that aren’t moved enough can often stiffen up through disuse and that sitffness can creat more pain – it’s like a vicious downward spiral – one that I have to constantly remind myself of.

I also threw my hat in the ring, so-to-speak, to fight in the charity boxing match the Fight for Christchurch. I love boxing.  I used to do a boxing fitness (non-contact) class every week at the gym.  And in fact I was in that class when the 22 February quake hit and subsequently lost my boxing gloves. And I’d do one-on-one training with the boxing trainer or my PT.  Boxing is great all round fitness and I was really hoping I’d be chosen to fight, as the 12 weeks of training would have been awesome, but sadly I wasn’t.  Judging by the women contenders to date I’m not blonde or model-like in looks.  I may still be the back-up fighter, in case one of them gets injured.  We’ll see

So, I’ve kind of used that as an excuse as well. I thought that it would give me some focus.  So, know I have to move on and refocus again.  And yesterday, my dear PT Gareth, decided it was time for me to get the gloves on during my usual weekly session.  I loved it.  But I realised out out of condition I was for punching in the first 90 seconds of the warm up….it left me gasping and my arms aching.  Not a good sign.  However, my brain seemed to remember what I was supposed to do to throw a punch and my body responded.  However, today is another story and I’m in pain greater than what I experienced the last time I broke a rib.  Sneezing reduced me to tears today and I nearly passed out.  I’m now on painkillers and anti-inflammatories.  A lesson in re-conditioning.  But I don’t regret it.  I really missed getting my gloves on and hitting shit.

But, what you’re really here for are the pics.  So, here they are.  I’m wearing the same jeans in all pics.  And you may notice they fit a little differently around the waist.  That’s because my actual waistline has reduced by a whopping 5cm since the beginning of May. Continue reading

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